YES You Can! …Spray Live Potted Poinsettias! A modern citrus like green puts a spin on tradition.
Design Master Olive Bright 790
4″ Potted Poinsettia White
4″ Tall Clay Pot
2 Clusters Red Glass Millimeter Balls
Paper Towel
Latex Glove
1. Spray in a room temperature, well-ventilated area. Protect adjacent areas from overspray.
2. Make sure poinsettia blossoms are clean and dry.
3. With glove-protected hand, gently lift overlapping bracts. In a light mist of color, spray bracts approx. 15″-18″ away. Color the underlying areas first then the top bracts.
4. Allow color to dry before applying a second light coat. This evens and enriches the color.
5. Spray clay pot in 2 coats of Ivory. Let dry.
6. Wrap paper towel around an index finger. Spray Ivory heavy onto fingertip then wipe over desired areas of clay pot to remove color. Alternatively moisten tip with acetone or lacquer thinner from the hardware store then wipe to remove color. This adds a modern rustic look to the clay pot.
7. Plant poinsettia into pot. In a mounding fashion, pick red millimeter balls into soil.
Project Tip: View the Graffiti PetalART brochure for more colorful poinsettia ideas.